The start of the day
School opens for Early Birds at 8.00am. The gates open to all pupils at 8.40am to give families and children a chance to chat to each other and staff before the bell is rung at 8.45am. All children are expected to be outside their classroom doors to be greeted by their teacher by 8:45am.
The morning
Early Work begins at 8.45am ensuring all children are ready for their first session or lesson ay 9.00am. The register is taken at 9:00am. At 10:20am there is a break where the children come together to play outside. The children enjoy a wide range of toys and equipment and can use our wonderful field all year round by having their wellington boots in school. This also gives time for drinks and snacks before learning continues up to lunchtime. Snacks are provided free for Early Years and Key Stage One. Key Stage 2 pupils may provide their own fresh fruit or vegetables. The children need to be supplied with their own sports top, transparent water bottle which can be refilled in class throughout the day. Milk can be ordered through the school office.
All of our children enjoy a hot or cold lunch made on site or a packed lunch from home and sit together in places of their choice to enjoy social interaction over a delicious meal at 12.00pm. Children are encouraged to try new foods and eat with their cutlery correctly. Once the children have eaten, they enjoy our outside space once again until the bell is rung at 1.00pm.
The afternoon
Lessons continue including a break to complete our daily mile until 2.50pm when we come together for an assembly before either going home or to a club at 3.15pm. The assemblies link to our school values, Jigsaw themes or celebrate learning, achievements and birthdays. All members of our community are welcome to join our Friday Celebration Assembly at 2:45pm either in person or through an invitation on Google Meet.
The end of the day
At the end of the day, the gate is opened again and parents and carers collect their children from the classroom door. This offers a lovely opportunity for teachers and parents to make contact if needed and for children to share their learning in their classroom if they would like to. Children staying longer for clubs or wrap around care are taken to the lead adult.
After school clubs continue until 4.15pm.
Our Night Owls wrap around care ends at 5.15pm.