Statutory Information

Contact Details

Jackson’s Lane,
Royston, Herts SG8 8AB
Tel: 01763 848304

Please address enquiries to Mrs Wittich

Our SENCo is Mrs J Cottenden                                                                                                                                                                              Contact SENCO:

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs V Wittich                                                                                                                                Contact Safeguarding:  01763 848304                                                                                          Our Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Miss A Wilson

Contact Data Protection Officer:

Admission Arrangements

Please see our Admissions page.

Behaviour Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy

Child Protection Policy

Complaints Procedure

Comparative Data

Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium


Please see our Curriculum section

Equality Objectives

Financial Information

Schools financial benchmarking service


Please see our Governors page

Health & Safety

The children’s safety is paramount; we follow Hertfordshire Education Authority guidelines in these matters.

We are an Operation Encompass School



We adhere to the Public Health Agency’s guidance on infection control in schools.

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Ofsted Reports

Our Ofsted Inspection Reports can be found at:

Please see our Ofsted Report page

Online Safety

Paper Copies

If a parent requests a paper copy of the information on this website it will be provided free of charge.

Performance Tables

School Performance Tables

Pupil Premium

Remote Education

Special Educational Needs

Please see our Special Educational Needs page

Sport Premium

Values and Ethos

Please see our Values, Ethos & Vision page