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Diary Dates

Autumn Term 2024

Monday 2nd September INSET day school closed to pupils
Tuesday 3rd September Term begins for pupils  (PE lessons begin)
Friday 6th September Forest School begins
Friday 6th September Dance Club begins 3.15 – 4.15pm
Monday 9th September Jackson Class Meet the Teacher in person or via Google Meet 2.45pm
Tuesday 10th September Bysouth Class Meet the Teacher in person or via Google Meet 2.45pm
Tuesday 10th September Running Club begins 3.25 – 4.25pm
Wednesday 11th September Layton Class Meet the Teacher in person or via Google Meet 2.45pm
Wednesday 11th September Netball Club begins 3.15 – 4.15pm
Wednesday 11th September Jackson Class parents phonics workshop in person 7.00pm
Thursday 12th September Computing Club begins, Art Club begins 3.15 – 4.15pm
Tuesday 1st October Childline Acts of Kindness week
Friday 4th October Harvest donations brought to school
Thursday 10th October Year 3 and 4 Cross Country event
Friday 11th October Year 1 and 2 Football festival
Monday 14th October Maths open event for parents 7.00pm
Friday 18th October Drama 4 All workshops (fully funded) all year groups
Wednesday 23rd October Parent Consultations 3.30- 5.00pm in person or via Google Meet
Thursday 24th October Flu vaccinations offered for children in Reception and years up to and including Year 4.  Details to follow.
Thursday 24th October Parent Consultations 4.00 – 6.00pm in person or via Google Meet
Friday 25th October Individual and sibling photos
Monday 28th October Half Term
Monday 4th November Second half term begins for pupils
Wednesday 6th November Open Morning for prospective families 9.30am – 11.30am
Friday 8th November Layton Class Assembly 2.45pm
Monday 11th November Anti-bullying week ‘Choose Respect’.
Tuesday 12th November Odd sock Day (wear odd socks to school to support anti-bullying week)
Wednesday 13th November Bedtime story for Jackson Class 6.00 – 6.45pm
Friday 15th November Open Day for prospective families 9.30 – 11.00am, 1.00 – 2.00pm
Friday 15th November Children in Need – Get spotty for the day
Friday 15th November Bysouth Class Assembly 2.45pm
Friday 22nd November FoRS AGM 2.00pm
Friday 22nd November Jackson Class assembly 2.45pm
Friday 29th November Decorating Day
Wednesday 4th December Layton Class Christmas concert at St Mary’s church, Reed 6.00pm
Thursday 5th December Layton Class Christmas concert at the school tepee 6.00pm
Thursday 12th December Jackson and Bysouth Class Christmas production 2.00pm
Friday 13th December Jackson and Bysouth Class Christmas production 2.00pm
Wednesday 18th December Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day
Friday 20th December Final assembly in person or via Google Meet 1.30pm
Friday 20th December Term ends for pupils at 2.00pm

Spring Term 2025

Monday 6th January INSET day school closed to pupils
Tuesday 7th January Term begins for pupils  (PE lessons begin)
Wednesday 8th January Whole School Pantomime (in school)
Friday 10th January Forest School begins
Thursday 30th January Therapeutic Behaviours workshop for parents and carers 7.00pm (in school)
Wednesday 5th February Fire of London workshop Bysouth Class (all day)
Tuesday 11th February Parent Consultations 3.30- 5.30pm in person or via Google Meet
Thursday 13th February Parent Consultations 4.00 – 6.00pm in person or via Google Meet
Friday 14th February Homestart Dress Down Day
Monday 17th February Half Term
Monday 24th February Second half term begins for pupils
Wednesday 26th February Fire Services visiting Bysouth Class
Friday 28th February West End in Schools (all classes)
Friday 28th February Layton Class assembly
Monday 3rd Royston Town FC Girl’s Football event
Tuesday 4th March Pancake Races
Wednesday 5th March Book Fair
Thursday 6th March World Book Day – Dress up as a book character or story
Friday 7th March Bysouth Class assembly
Wednesday 12th March Netball skills challenge at KJAR 3.30pm Years 3 and 4
Friday 14th March Year 2 Tag Rugby festival at St Ed’s
Friday 21st March Jackson Class assembly
Friday 28th March Mother’s Day morning
Friday 4th April Easter Hat House competition
Friday 4th April Term ends for pupils at 2.00pm

Summer Term 2025

Tuesday 22nd April INSET day school closed to pupils
Wednesday 23rd April INSET day school closed to pupils
Thursday 24th April Term begins for pupils
Friday 25th April Forest School begins
Monday 28th April Dinky and Junior Medics
Monday 5th May Bank holiday school closed
Monday 26th May Half Term
Monday 2nd June INSET day school closed to pupils
Tuesday 3rd June Second half term begins for pupils
Wednesday 11th June Pupil photo
Friday 20th June Layton Class community safety event
Thursday 3rd July Summer performance
Friday 4th July Summer performance
Wednesday 9th July Layton Class host community tea party
Thursday 10th July Herts Transition Day (Children visit new classes / schools)
Friday 11th July Layton Class Camp out (at school)
Tuesday 15th July Sports Day
Tuesday 22nd July Final Celebration assembly 12.45pm
Tuesday 22nd July Term ends for pupils at 2.00pm